The Kayla Chronicles by Sherri Winston | Teen Ink

The Kayla Chronicles by Sherri Winston

August 21, 2011
By Kelly-In-Wonderland GOLD, Westfield, New Jersey
Kelly-In-Wonderland GOLD, Westfield, New Jersey
12 articles 0 photos 43 comments

Aspiring journalist, sophomore Kayla Dean is in for the escapade of her life! Not expecting any more than a rejection letter, she completes the rigorous auditions for the Lady Lions, her new schools prestigious dance team.
After years of memorizing famous female quotes with her best friend Rosalie, starting a club known as SPEAK (Sisters Providing Encouragement And Kindness) and organizing an anti-princess event, Kick the Crown, meant to improve the self-esteem of teenage girls, Kayla is considered the ultimate feminist. She prides herself in being intellectual and just like her deceased role model, her grandmother Jo Jo.
Subsequently, when she receives the breathtaking notification that she made the final cut for the Lady Lions, she feels invigorated. That is, until Rosalie, who has schemes of her own, convinces her that to be a dancer is to be an anti-feminist.
Suddenly, Kayla feels beleaguered to make choices she isn’t sure are necessary. Why does she have to choose between one person or another, rather than just being herself?
Personally, I adore Sherri Winston’s accurate documentation of teenage life. She is faithful in her portrayal of fourteen year old girls, featuring down-to-earth characters with genuine personalities. I highly recommend her young adult novels to anyone, specifically those still unsure of what they desire in life.
This empowering novel validates that you don’t have to be a feminist in order to have strong opinions, and even if you are, it’s still okay to wear some really cute shoes.

The author's comments:
The Kayla Chronicles significantly altered my viewpoint on my identity. I hope that, through this article, I can show other teens this brilliant book.


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