Be a Happier and a Better Person without Formal Religion by Professor Yunan Prawoto | Teen Ink

Be a Happier and a Better Person without Formal Religion by Professor Yunan Prawoto

July 11, 2011
By Anonymous

This is a review of a book that i love.
Book Title: Be a Happier and a Better Person without Formal Religion:
An agnostic view with the Christianity and Islamic perspectives
ISBN: 978-1257808960, 10 digits: 1257808966
I purchased the book just out of curiosity because somebody in my FB group mentioned it. Parts of the book was downloadable through internet. then I ordered through the website. The service actually was not that bad. I got the book in 3 days. The price was also really good, same with that of junk food’s lunch. The author was an engineering professor with very unique background. He was born from a mixed family. His mother was a devout Christian and his father was a moslem.
The book looks more like his personal notes than a book that teach you to become an atheist. It consists of seven chapters, beginning with his observation, whether the believers are better than the non-believers, followed by his confession in his crisis of belief. He then continued to discussed on how god became angry at sinners, where he looked at it from the Christianity and Islamic perspectives. He then continued with the discussion on how religious people see non believers. He also discussed about the fairness of god and god’s problems in modern society, consequences of accepting science and conclusions.
For those of you who are not open minded, reading the book can make you a bit disturbing since his soft language and his liberal thinking really provokes you, yet you know that what he wrote were all facts. He really smartly presents his arguments and his proofs very logically.
Reading the first and the second chapters, you wont feel at all that you are about to read an atheist book. The author presented his daily life just like you and I tell stories to others. He documented the story of Eileen that all of us familiar with. In there, I cried reading his summary on the biography of Eileen. Even before going to the next chapter, I felt exactly how the author wanted us to be with him. There was a gigantic magnet that the author used upon me. I was completely hypnotized with his story telling.
It was an amazing book that I finished reading it in one night and gave me confidence to my choice of being atheist. Thank you author, professor Prawoto.

The author's comments:
I am convinced that i can also be a better person by distancing myself from church.


This article has 2 comments.

Tedd said...
on Jul. 18 2011 at 10:21 pm

My mom would probably scream and yell at me like hell if I ask her to buy this book,.. LOL


on Jul. 18 2011 at 7:33 pm
Very good article. Two thumbs up. I ve been also wondering about it too. For sure I will get the school library to buy it.