Review of Parallel Journeys | Teen Ink

Review of Parallel Journeys

June 2, 2011
By AyannaJackson BRONZE, Bowie, Maryland
AyannaJackson BRONZE, Bowie, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Ineed to stop surrounding myself with weirdos

The book Parallel Journeys is by-far the best book I have ever read. This nonfiction book about a Holocaust Survivor (Helen Waterfold) and a former fanatic Nazi Youth commander (Alfons Heck) is phenomenal. While Helen tells of her story in hiding, in a work camp, and in the Auschwitz death camp, Alfons tells of his “brainwashing” as a child, being one of the highest ranking officers in the German Army equal to that of a high ranking General in the American Army at only 19, and being captured indirectly by Allied forces. This book also explains in detail about the Holocaust, WWII and Adolf Hitler’s plans. I advise this book to be read by people who love a good story and also love history written with detail. I could not put the book down.


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