The Shack by Wm. Paul Young | Teen Ink

The Shack by Wm. Paul Young

April 26, 2011
By Nolan SILVER, Vancouver, Washington
Nolan SILVER, Vancouver, Washington
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The difference between try and triumph is a little umph"

The Book “The Shack” is by far one of the best books I have ever read. It is about a man named Mackenzie (Mack) and his tragic past with the kidnapping/murder of his daughter missy four years earlier. On a camping trip, Mack notices that his daughter Missy is missing and fears the worst. He searches for her high and low getting as much help from rangers and police as he can get. Later he comes to find that his daughter has been kidnapped and evidence is uncovered that she was murdered in a shack in the Oregon wilderness. Four years later he receives a letter signed “papa” that invites him to come back to the shack where his daughter was murdered once before. There he meets 3 people, a black lady named Elouisa, a Middle Eastern looking man named Jesus, and a gardener named Sarayu. He stays with the 3 people in the shack and learns to accept his daughter’s death whilst growing his relationship with the 3 people. Around the end of the book he gets into an accident with a man named Willie in which Mack ends up in the hospital. His stay in the hospital enlightens him and allows his to comprehend all that has happened in his life and gains a new perspective on life in whole. This book is a very good book about religion and making peace with demos from ones past. A very common theme in the book is that god is always with you in which is told through the 3 people representing the 3 parts of gods will – the father, the son, and the Holy Ghost. This book sends a riveting message to young readers in the world that god is with them and that one needs to learn to accept the past. Young also delivers the message that god has a plan for everyone and you should trust his judgment and not turn your back on him. I would 100% recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a fantastic read and a deeper look into the world of god.


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