The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway | Teen Ink

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

March 8, 2011
By Michael Dooling BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Michael Dooling BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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In Ernest Hemingway’s novel, The Old Man and the Sea, There is an array of exciting events that take place.

To begin, there is an old fisherman, but he is strong. The old man has been unlucky and has not caught a fish in a plethora of years. Until one day, he decides to take a fishing trip. He gets his own bait and also gets bait from an old friend. The night before, he goes to sleep ready for the next morning.

Once he gets in the boat, he rows and rows until he is far out in the ocean. He then sets out his fishing poles. For a while it was the same unlucky day as always. All of a sudden he gets a big bite. The fish begins to pull the boat. He can feel how big the fish is and he says, “What a fish.” The fish keeps pulling and pulling. After a day and a half they got to a point where the old man could not see the land anymore.

The fish eventually begins to become tired and starts to circle around the boat. This was the old mans only chance to catch the fish. He shoots the fish with a harpoon, brings it in, and ties it to the boat. The fish was two feet longer than the boat. The old man begins to head home with his prize. Will he make it home with the fish intact? Will he even make it home at all?

I enjoyed reading The Old Man and the Sea. It was thought provoking. The book itself was interesting and it has a great plot. I liked how even when the character was alone, the author created dialogue by having the old man talk to himself. That was clever. I definitely recommend this book for everyone to read.


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