The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain | Teen Ink

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

March 8, 2011
By eugeniaananewae BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
eugeniaananewae BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In Mark Twain’s book, Huckleberry Finn, a small boy encounters many dangers due to his wealth and stubbornness. In Twain’s earlier book, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Huck was introduced as a boy who has a hard life, with a drunkard father and a poor family. Huck and Tom encountered a large amount of money after unraveling a murder mystery in St. Petersburg.
Now that Huck has encountered money, his father, a bitter drunk who wanted nothing to do with Huck, comes back to town for his son. In the meantime, Huck has been adopted by a widow named Mrs. Douglas. His Father and Mrs. Douglas fight for his custody but Huck’s father does not win. He later kidnaps Huck and locks him in a cabin by the Mississippi River. Huck’s father abuses him numerous times until Huck finally gets fed up. He leaves the cabin to face a whole new range of adventures-ranging from mourning sisters to dangerous con-artists.
During his adventures Huck comes by a slave of Mrs. Watson, a fellow St. Petersburg citizen, who ran away due to threats of selling him off. Huckleberry and Jim, the slave, go out on adventures with a raft they built to the Ohio River. Jim hoped to be freed in Ohio for slavery was prohibited in most northern states. Their raft gets hit by a ferry. Huck and Jim get separated.
Huckleberry later find out that Jim had been given away. Will Huck risk all he has to help an escaped slave? If he will, how can he do so without getting caught? I recommend this book to anyone who likes adventure.


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