The Hunger Games by Suzann Collins | Teen Ink

The Hunger Games by Suzann Collins

January 14, 2011
By samerawit winnie BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
samerawit winnie BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever thought of having to kill 23 incent kids just for your survival and to see your home, family, and friends again? In this book you will see how/if Katniss survives in the afule game. The book The Hunger Games written by Suzanne Collins is an exiting, questioning and amazing book.

The main character Katniss lives with her mother and little sister Prim in district 12. There are 12 districts all run by the capitol. Every year the capitol forces all the districts to send a boy and a girl between the ages of 12 to 18 to fight in The Hunger Games. At the end there will only be on girl or boy left alive out of the 24. Katiniss’s sister gets picked to go at her firs year of reaping. This makes katniss very much worried, mad, and also sad. She volunteers to go for her sister in the games. So read this wonderful book to see how/if Katiniss survives in the game. The Hunger Games have begun….

In this novel The Hunger Games Suzann Collins wrote it in a narrative writing style. I like this book a lot because it keeps going book after book so there is more to look forward too. This imaginary story and the thoughts that went in to the writing of this book really catch my attention. In the hunger games you can’t care about other, you kill, survive and want to win, but Katiniss she has a big heart. It all starts out with when she was back home. Every day she wakes up at dawn to go hunting to trade with every one in her district to take car of her family. Once her sister got picked at the reaping she took her place and came to The Hunger Games. Through out the games she cant stand the fact of all these people dying slowly and painfully including her friend Peta that came with her from district 12. Katniss takes care of others putting her self in danger of dying. As you can see she is a very caring person and this makes the whole book so much better, interesting, and exiting.

All in all The Hunger Games written by Suzanne Collins is an exiting, questioning and amazing book.


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