Blue Gold | Teen Ink

Blue Gold

January 10, 2011
By Ricardo Orozco BRONZE, Prosser, Washington
Ricardo Orozco BRONZE, Prosser, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In a boat race NUMA’S Special Director; Kurt Austin stumbles (or crashes) into a pod of dead whales off the coast of San Diego. When studied the whales seem as if thieve been boiled. As he investigates all sorts of thing come up.
A few of the characters are Joe Zavala a gregarious and soft spoken marine engineer who’s had thousands of hours piloting helicopters, small jets, and turbo propelled aircrafts. Another is Francesca Cabral. A scientist whose invention might change the course of humanity until her plane crashes. The villain is Brynhild Sigurd. The President of a large corporation bent on controlling all the world’s water supplies. This book takes place in various places, from the Amazon River to Alaska.
Blue Gold? What comes up to mind, gold? Clive Cussler perfectly names this novel after the most precious thing to mankind, water. As a corporation is close to reaching a monopoly over all the worlds fresh water supplies. When Kurt Austin and Joe Zavala (Kurt’s best friend since school) discovered this because “their instincts were telling him that a big, hungry something lay hidden in the blue shadows, watching and waiting. And its name was Gogstad.” With suspense, and action Clive Cussler produces a story of honor, strength, and courage. And finishes the book with an unlikely ending. Those that have read other Clive Cussler novels, or simply like books with action or twisting turns, this is a must read.
A book that is similar to this book is Inca Gold by Clive Cussler. They’re similar because of the action, deaths, and witty remarks that the characters make even during tight situations. One thing that might pop into people’s head is how much the world means, and what would happen if something like this would happen, or if the water would dry up.


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