A Step From Heaven by ANNA | Teen Ink

A Step From Heaven by ANNA

January 9, 2011
By NokhookNakamon BRONZE, Bangkok, Other
NokhookNakamon BRONZE, Bangkok, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Step From Heaven Review

A Step From Heaven is written by a Korean girl name Anna. Anna wrote this book based on her true story. Anna can put me in the situation that she met in her real life and it makes me enjoyable. She has many problems and she learns something new in her life from immigrant.

Young Ju and her family want to start new life in America because they think America is a heaven. They move to America without their grandmother when she was four years old. Young Ju and her family got many trouble in that perfect place. There are not enough job and money to live happily. Many years pass, Park family have problem all the time but finally the problem can solved. Young Ju Park can find the way out from every bad situation. It's going to be the real heaven.

This book can show me the power of a little woman that have impossible problem. I recommend you to read this book because it can makes the reader follow and want to read the story in every chapter because of intense plot. Young Ju has a big problem in her life and she can pass through it. For the person who think you have problem like Young Ju, may be this book can make you feel morale.


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