Trance by Linda Gerber | Teen Ink

Trance by Linda Gerber

October 23, 2010
By jericonation PLATINUM, Princeton, New Jersey
jericonation PLATINUM, Princeton, New Jersey
31 articles 22 photos 30 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never let a little thing like total humiliation get between you and a good time."


The title in itself is enough to leave you dangling on the edge of anticipation.

The minute I picked up this paranormal thriller and leafed through the first few pages, I was hooked. I did not put it down until I had finished the whole thing. Linda Gerber did an outstanding job tuning the book’s concept into something understandable—even relatable.

It’s about a teenage girl so much like the rest of us, with problems and dreams and a personality that is so aptly described, it’s as if you were her. But she holds a secret. About her mother’s death and her visions. Visions of disasters.

I won’t say much more than that, just read the book. But I will say that it really truly was one of the best books I have read in a long time. I don’t normally read stuff like this about the “paranormal” and its complexities, but this really is a gem worth shining. It’s fresh and sets at a perfect pace to keep you guessing. I am not quite sure if there is a sequel or not (though the ending sort of implies one) but either way, I would totally recommend it to anyone looking for a fresh new read.

The author's comments:
I don't normally write reviews but this book was so good, I just HAD to share it.


This article has 3 comments.

Kristen said...
on Nov. 4 2012 at 10:21 am
I thought there was going to be one because the book ends on such a cliffhanger (here falling into another trance) but so far there is no sequel. I hope they make one

Jill said...
on Oct. 19 2011 at 1:36 pm
Does anyone know if there is going to be a sequel?

redhots said...
on Oct. 8 2011 at 7:50 am
I loved this book too! It was amazing! But the only thing that bugs me is that if there is a sequel. Is there a sequel? Because at the end she has a trance and thats were it ends.