Thieves like Us | Teen Ink

Thieves like Us

November 20, 2007
By Anonymous

Thieves like Us
By: Stephen Cole

When I first saw this book I thought it was going to be excellent and I was definitely right. On the back of the book it first said that the main character, Jonah Wish, is a brilliant computer hacker. When I grow up I want to work with computers so this book was exactly want I wanted for me. Jonah was in jail but these thieves broke him out. Then Jonah decides to join them and a new life opens up for him. I am a very picky reader but for all who are like me, you do not have to worry about this one. This book is an action book with lots of foul language. I suggest this book to boys who wants to see thieves that break into mansions and do lot of harder things but they do it with ease. I do not suggest this book to girls because there are certain pats in the book that they usually do not care about. Out of all the books I have read (and I read a lot of books) this one comes on top by far. After you read this book you will see what I am talking about and you can read the sequel which is called Thieves Till We Die. If you are bored and you are trying to do something you can always read this book and you will not be bored anymore. This book and plus the sequel will take time to read it all. So I definitely suggest people to read this thrilling book.


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