The Princess Bride | Teen Ink

The Princess Bride MAG

By Anonymous

   Before I begin this review, I must admit I am a little biased. This book is one of my favorite stories because, although it is a fairy tale complete with a hero, giants and a handsome Prince, it has many elements of contemporary novels and motion pictures.

The author, William Goldman, claims that this story was first read to him as a child, by his father. When he grew up, he found that his father had taken the original novel, (by S. Morganstern), and given him a "good parts" version. Since he loved the book so much, he republished his own version of Princess Bride.

The story follows two principle characters, Westley and Buttercup. Buttercup is the most beautiful woman in the world and a milkmaid. Westley is her true love and a worker on Buttercup's family farm. Westley is poor and sails to America to win a fortune for his Buttercup, but is intercepted in route by a deadly pirate. In the meanwhile, Buttercup is spotted by the handsome Prince Humperdink and ordered to marry him, or die.

As the wedding nears, Buttercup is kidnapped by a mysterious trio of characters: a genius, a giant who loves rhymes, and a Spaniard dedicated to revenge. The trio plans to murder her, but she is saved by a man in black, believed to be the pirate who attacked Westley's ship.

I won't spoil the story, but there are many cool things in store. There are miracles, torture and even a six-fingered man! Read the book and enjoy


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i love this !