Speak | Teen Ink


February 2, 2024
By Judah12837 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Judah12837 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Speak was and still is a really good book. Everybody struggles with some sort of mental pressure throughout their life, the book “Speak” represents how life can be difficult to deal with, but it also represents how you should NOT surrender to these challenges. Speak is about a teenage girl who moves to a new school and still struggles with traumas of the summer upcoming to her freshman year. You should read this book if you enjoy realism and can handle traumatic events such as sexual assault.

Laurie Halse Anderson's book “Speak” is a novel about learning to overcome fears within yourself and to push through. I used to be afraid of speaking up and sometimes I still am from time to time. This book can strongly encourage someone to push through their struggles and communicate them instead of being silenced. “It is easier not to say anything. Shut your trap, button your lip, can it. All that crap you hear on TV about communication and expressing feelings is a lie. Nobody really wants to hear what you have to say”. This paragraph in Laurie’s book is something that can really scratch below the surface level for a lot of people, especially because throughout the book her perception of life changes. If you’re fascinated by these ideas, you should read this book. 

Laurie Halse Anderson is an important book writer. All her books speak to those who are going through or have gone through a hard time. Speak specifically makes a message to those who have gone through the same thing and those just in general to communicate. After reading this book, it helped me realize that it’s OK to say how you feel and reach out for help when needed. 

I would recommend this book to everyone, whether you need someone to relate to or not. Everyone can learn something from the novel “Speak”. I guarantee you will learn something new from this book, and it can help you with your obstacles within life. 

Whether you feel alone and are struggling with communication or you just want to open something up and read, I know you should purchase this book and give it the time of day, it will help you too. 

The author's comments:

Something that inspired me to review the article "Speak" and take time to read it is how it is a book that checks all boxes when it comes to REAL life.

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Luis Castro said...
on Feb. 7 2024 at 8:46 pm
Luis Castro, Sacramento, California
0 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do or do not, there is no try"<br /> Yoda

This sounds like an amazing book. I'll add it to my list of must reads!