Peak Book Review | Teen Ink

Peak Book Review

November 17, 2022
By calvinportice BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
calvinportice BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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Peak Marcello never knew that he would get a chance to climb Mt. Everest. Peak is a realistic fiction book written by Roland Smith about a 14-year-old boy named Peak who climbed a skyscraper in New York City and had to go live with his dad because the NYPD found out it was him. Along the way, his dad took him to climb Mt. Everest. If he makes it before his birthday, he will be the youngest person ever to make the summit of Mt. Everest.

Peak could have been the best book I have ever read if the ending was more satisfying. I started to attach to characters and when something bad happened to them, I felt bad. I liked how Roland Smith went into all the struggles and triumphs, like when the peak was talking about how when you are that at that high of an altitude it hard to do everyday tasks. And even though that peak is a very experienced climber he has a very hard time climbing Mt. Everest. This book was a great example of selflessness and determination. This is a good book for teenagers and young adults but it can be enjoyed by anyone. I would recommend this book to someone who likes books that you can learn a little from and are realistic fiction.this


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