Dog Training for Kids by Carol Lea Benjamin | Teen Ink

Dog Training for Kids by Carol Lea Benjamin

May 15, 2009
By Anonymous

Title of review: Dog Training for Kids
Number of stars (1 to 5): 4 out of 5
The book Dog Training for Kids, was written and illustrated by Carol Lea Benjamin. It was published by Wiley Publishing Inc., in Hoboken, New Jersey, in 1976. There are 122 pages in the book. The genre is nonfiction. The author’s purpose is to inform you on how to train your dog. Her intended audience is for younger children. However, anyone could read it, but she has just made it simpler to understand so that a younger audience can use it. This book tells you everything you need to know to train a dog. It explains how to teach your dog different things, for example, housetraining. There are multiple items that you need to train your puppy, but to find out what they are you’ll have to read the book. It also tells you the two ways that you can talk to your dog. One way is to use short, simple words like, come, stay, and no, when training. The other way is talking in a normal way if you just feel like talking, he won’t understand you, but he’ll probably know what you’re feeling. There are also many lessons in obedience training that the author talks about, like heeling, and staying. The author tells you about some other very important things that you will need to know, like, what if your dog starts biting, or what if he starts guarding an object. She tells you what you need to do if your dog begins doing these things because it could get very serious and someone could get hurt. There is also information about careers that involve dogs, so if you really enjoy working with dogs then you read about these jobs to see if you are interested in them later in life. Another thing in the book is dog tricks. Therefore, if you want to teach your dog tricks, then this will probably be your favorite part of the book. However, almost all of them involve your dog having to know all of the obedience training lessons that are in the book. So, you’ll have to teach your dog all of those before you start teaching him tricks. The author, Carol Lea Benjamin, was very qualified to write this book. She graduated from college, she was an editor, a teacher, and a dog trainer. In 1985 she was voted Dogdom’s Writer of the Year, and she was named Writer of the Year by the Dog Writer’s Association of America, both in the same year. For that reason, she also wan the Fido Award.
The book was very well written. It achieved its goal and purpose to teach you how to train your puppy. I would recommend this book to anyone who wanted to train their dog. In conclusion, this book tells you everything you need to know to train your dog. It tells you what you need, what you need to do, and how to do it. Overall, I would rate this book with 4 out of 5 stars.


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