Baits and Rigs Handbook | Teen Ink

Baits and Rigs Handbook

May 14, 2009
By Anonymous

Book title and author: Baits and Rigs Handbook by: C Boyd Pfeiffer
Title of review: Baits and Rigs Handbook
Number of stars (1 to 5): four and a half

Baits and Rigs Handbook a book full of information on hooks, lures, knots, and a lot of other things from where to find fish to how to keep your fishing gear clean. It would be a good book to take on a fishing trip incase you had a question on anything that had to do with fishing.

The author has fished for his whole life and he knows what he’s talking about. His methods described in the book are sometimes unorthodox but he swears up and down that they work. For example he gave the recipe for a dough ball for cat fishing, this recipe works; I have used it many times and caught numerous fish. I am a fisherman myself and my knowledge prior to reading this book was ok, but after, I learned many new tricks, knots, and rigs.

Knowing different knots is key when you are fishing as is knowing different riggings depending on what you are fishing for. This book has example upon example of those things. Knowing how to keep your fishing tackle clean is good but isn’t needed so therefore you don’t have to put it in a book about baits and rigs. As I said his methods work, like the dough ball, other then that I haven’t had a chance to try his other methods due to poor weather conditions where I live. To be honest I haven’t read a lot of other books on this subject so it wouldn’t be fare of me to compare it to something I haven’t read.

This book was a bundle of information for any fisherman on any skill level. If you want to get into fishing this would be the book for you to read. Its barrage of examples, tips, and tricks can improve your fishing game on any level. I liked it and highly recommend this book.


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