I Will Always Write Back | Teen Ink

I Will Always Write Back

March 13, 2019
By JustinOliver BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
JustinOliver BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

       Do you feel as if you take a lot for granted? In the national bestseller I Will Always Write Back tells readers about the friendship that was created between two random pen pals. One friend being a very poor boy from zimbabwe and the other being a normal middle class american girl.

         It all starts when caitlyn picks zimbabwe as her country for pen pals. Since martin was the top of the class he got one of the first letters. They both got lucky enough to get each other. They continue sending letters to each other but times are getting very tough on martin with the inflamation rising in zimbabwe. Caitlyn begins sending him money trying to help as much as possible. Later on in the book Martins ready to graduate school and go to college. He decides to go to America for college. When he goes him and Caitlyn finally meet. They begin doing speeches at schools together talking about their experience.

          I Will Always Write Back made me and many more poeple realize how much we take for granted everyday. It is a human right to go to school and get education that Martin does not have. The author represented the book and how the characters felt through it extremely well. Throughout the book you see the letters they had written to each other. This really caught the emotion that the characters were feeling. It showed how martin did not know the best english by having in the letters have some minor improper grammar. I also think it showed how much martin and caitlyn learned from each other. Caitlyn learned about how much she takes for granted for and the problems we have in our world. Martin learned about the american culture.

      I enjoyed the book very much it made me realize how much i take for granted and helped me appreciate having the right to go to school and me being able to have a roof over my head. This book is great for anyone and i would strongly recommend it to you if you're feeling as if your life sucks because this book will make you appreciate everything you have so much more.

The author's comments:

This is a book review on the best selling book I Will Always Write Back. It includes a small summary of the book and how it was written. I suggest reading this review first before deciding whether this book is for you.

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