Far From the Tree by Robin Benway | Teen Ink

Far From the Tree by Robin Benway

March 2, 2019
By aroelli8 BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
aroelli8 BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Far From the Tree, a novel by Robin Benway, starts by introducing the three main characters: Grace, Maya, and Joaquin. They each have different parent figures in their life, but aren’t related to them by blood. Grace and Maya start getting in touch after finding out that they are biological siblings. They then begin meeting and communicating with Joaquin, too. Grace wants to find their biological mom, but Maya and Joaquin refuse because they are resentful toward her leaving them. Later, they all discover something life changing about their biological mom, and stick together by being there for each other.

All three of these characters struggle with their own problems, and they help each other cope and face these issues. Grace feels regret after having a baby at the age of sixteen because she thinks she gave her to a family not fitting for her, even though she’s assured the family is doing great. Maya has dealt with her parents fighting and her mother’s growing alcohol abuse. Joaquin is conflicted about his foster parents wanting to adopt him and his regrets about breaking up with his ex-girlfriend. Regardless of what each sibling was going through, they were there for the others and offered a steady support system.

I think Robin Benway’s purpose in writing this book was to demonstrate that no matter what families are going through, they can get past it together. Even though these siblings didn’t even know about each other until their teen years, they share a bond that is pure and unbreakable. I learned that all families share a special love with each other that no one can sever. Despite challenges and conflict, they will still be there for each other.

This book is very well written, and I enjoyed reading the book because of the way the plot was developed. Each chapter is from a different perspective of the siblings, and I enjoyed getting their different points of view. I could understand and sympathize with all of their emotions, and I felt like I was a part of the events occuring.

I strongly recommend this book to any reader that enjoys the emotional ties of family. I was captivated by this book right away because the characters went through very relevant issues. I easily understood everything and was not left with questions once I was finished. The final chapters wrapped up the conflicts of the three main characters and revealed the plans for the rest of their life, which left me feeling bittersweet.

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