Prophecy of the Sisters | Teen Ink

Prophecy of the Sisters

January 29, 2019
By Anonymous

  Having siblings can be rough,but having an anchient prophecy turning you against each other is even harder. This intense and captivating story brings a whole new meaning to sibling rivalry. Twin sisters Lia and Alice Milthorpe have just became orphans. To make matters worst they have also become enemies. 

  This was the first book I ever bought with my own money and it took me 3 years to decide to crack it open, I'm glad I finally did. This book has everything, captivating tragedies, astral projection and twisted family allegiances. As a person that gets bored easily a book with a slow begining is anything but enjoyable that is why Prophecy of the Sisters is the perfect book there's not one dull moment I found myself intrested at all times. 

  Lia is a very relateable charater, she is awkward yet polite and I love it. Lia is the defintion of flawfully perfect, emotion radiates off of her. She is not brave nor a coward let's just say at times she has guts othertimes she just wants to "run and never look back." Lia is just as confused as me and I love when we find things out together, It makes me feel as if im in another plane of existence.

   Michelle Zink did a dazzling job at the descrition I could see Lia's soul flying over the city, I could see the library she loves so much and hear the running water of the lake in the back of her home. If you love magic and twisted relationships Prophecy of the Sisters is a must read. 

The author's comments:

This was an assignment for my english class. What do you think?

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