Better off Friends | Teen Ink

Better off Friends

January 22, 2019
By ashlynsjoquist BRONZE, Goodhue, Minnesota
ashlynsjoquist BRONZE, Goodhue, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Somehow these two were meant to be together in some way. The book Better off Friends is a dramatic love story that gets many people hooked fast. This book consists of a love story, with friendships along the way, and possibly just friends in the end. In this book, I never knew what was coming next, but I had plenty of thoughts in mind to keep me pushing through the book and making it more and more interesting. This book is such a great book and here’s why.

The love side to this book is very mysterious and surprising. The main characters don’t know decisions that they may or may not want to make. Sometimes there is so much going on at once with them, and it can be really overwhelming and a lot to take in. These parts of the book are very dramatic with how enthusiastic the author created these characters.

There are many different friendships in this book including the main characters. Both of them have their own friend groups and then there’s them. They are best friends and do everything together from almost when they met and throughout the book. All the friendships they adhere to are very exciting and fun to catch up on. Most are very intense with a lot of information and lead to getting connected or drifting apart, depending on who is in the conversation and that friendship. They are so unreal yet so real. I can picture every time how they are acting and what it would be like to be there with them in the moment. It is so realistic and I really do feel like I’m there.

Towards the final chapters of the book, there are many fights, issues, and many sources of sadness. These two main characters were definitely meant to stay in each others lives somehow in someway. They knew if that didn’t happen, they wouldn’t know what to do without each other. There are many stories and explanations throughout this book that’ll get people stuck on it and want them to continue reading it. The major growth in the book to where it leads up to impacted me and I hope it would impact everyone else too.

All of these things I covered about the book summarizes this wonderful story with small explanations. I’m glad that one day I picked up this book and decided to read it. It really shows the true meaning to friendships and relationships in one. I’m so happy about the decision the characters made and I would hope people read it to find out. I wouldn’t just blurt out the ending, then everybody else couldn’t experience all the ways that it impacted me and how it hopefully impacts others.

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