A Passion for Victory | Teen Ink

A Passion for Victory

October 31, 2018
By Anonymous

        A Passion for Victory is a book about some of the major events that went on during the Olympics. This book talks about the events that went on during the Olympics in a chronological order, and how it spread around some of the greatest countries.

There was a story I enjoyed that was mentioned during the prologue. The story was about a Tennis player that embarked on the Titanic, and as we all know what happened to the Titanic, it crashed, leaving people stranded in the middle of the ocean. Although the ship had crashed, tennis player Richard Norris Williams somehow managed to stay above water for six hours. After the six hours that he had stayed above water, he was rescued by other people drifting in the sea. When he got back to land, doctors offered to amputate both legs due to the extensive amount of time spent in freezing water. The doctors were sure that he would lose both of his legs, but Richard rejected the offer. Over time, Richard had gained back strength, and went on to become a tennis star at Harvard. On July 21, 1924, Richard won gold in the Olympics. A passion for victory talks about the some of the people, events, and wars that went on during the games.

In conclusion, A Passion for Victory is a book that I recommend people to read because of how inspiring it can be. One of my favorite quotes from the book was: ”the most important thing in life is no the triumph but the fight; the important thing is not to have won the fight, but to have fought well”(Benson Bobrick 85)

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