Midnight Sun | Teen Ink

Midnight Sun

October 31, 2018
By faithgarcia03 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
faithgarcia03 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Senior Katie Price suffers with two things: a lifelong crush and an incurable disease. Always thinking will he ever love me the same way. Until one night, she goes downtown and, plays her favorite guitar. Then feeling all flustered, when Katie sees her prized possession, Katie’s emotions fills the reader’s mind and states, “Charlie Freaking Reed is standing right in front of me” (Cook 32). He then tries to talk to her and, the words just floating in her brain like alphabet soup. He starts asking her questions to get to know her. Then in a panic she drops her song book and, runs back home with thoughts clustering her mind like a brick wall. But, little did she know that her dream boy has her book in his hands. Time passes and, they meet up again not as awkward as the first. They then are unrespectable from each other. Attracted to each other like magnets.


The overall theme of the book was very relatable to most teenaged girls. I feel like most teens could create a connection to Katie’s lifelong crush. Or, like I which had the thought of I wish someone would love me like that. Because, Katie had a disease it made it harder to be with her dream boy. She tries to breakup with him because she thinks she’s toxic for him but he says “The choice is mine and I’m making it. I want to be with you” (Cook 219). So, the whole time reading I never wanted to but this book down it was so romantic. Also had a great message which was to never give up on something that you love. Also, the figurative language that Cook imputed into the book was awesome it made the moments more realistic.


The plot structure was really easy to follow. That is why I kept on wanting to read the story because, I could predict what would happen next. If, I didn’t keep on reading it would always have me wondering the whole day. So, it was easy to follow along because, it kept me entertained by always guessing.


Midnight had some mature scenes, and some inappropriate language. Therefore I would recommend it to teens from 13 and older. They would understand the book better. Teens would be best to read this book because they would have empathy to Katie’s scenario.

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