The House on Mango Street | Teen Ink

The House on Mango Street

October 18, 2018
By Jurgen_Urrutia BRONZE, City Of Industry, California
Jurgen_Urrutia BRONZE, City Of Industry, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sandra Cisneros wrote a book called House on Mango Street. I think That people should read the book if they like a journal type book but if you prefer a story that has action adventure you would not find this book interesting.

The book House on Mango Street was a journal about a girls life that lived in a house that she did not like and just wanted to get out of there. It tells a seriese of events that happen in little storys. Some describe little events that happen others people that were in the life of Esperansa the main charecter. I personally did not like that there was no action or point to the story. I prefer a story with action and adventure. If you have ever read the book you know that most of the time it did not keep on talking about a person. It talked about someone described them and the moved on. Only some people where in the whole book.  

Lastly this story is not for everyone. If you need to do a homework assingment this is a quick book that could be read in few days this is a good book to use for those kind of assignments. 

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