The Girl on The Train | Teen Ink

The Girl on The Train

June 20, 2018
By Anonymous

Paula Hawkins

Copyright 2015

395 pages


ISBN-  978-1-59463-399-9


The Girl on The Train, written by Paula Hawkins is a nonfiction horror book. It takes place in London during 2013. It takes problems that could happen to anyone then makes them more sinnister. It keeps you guessing as the plots make turns. It tells the story from the point of view of multiple characters involved with the mystery.

“It’s impossible to resist the kindness of strangers.” (The Girl on The Train 206) While reading this I thought to myself, “Who is she going to trust and will this cause her problems?” I was afraid that the stranger was going to harm her or ruin the investigation.  

Rachel’s recent divorce has caused her many problems. She uses alcohol to mask her problems and it has caused her to get fired from her job. She still takes the train into the city everyday so her room mate doesn't find out. While she passes her old house she watches the couple that lives next to it. She gives them fake names and imagines they a perfect life. She names the couple Jess and Jason. One day she sees Jess kissing a man that wasn’t Jason. Seeing her do this makes her mad because when her husband cheated on her before their divorce. A couple days after Rachel sees a picture of Jess in the paper and discovers she is missing. Turns out the couple wasn’t so perfect after all.

She decides to go to the police to tell them about the man she saw kissing Jess to protect Jason. She finds out their real names are Megan and Scott. The police think she is crazy. She involves herself in the investigation. Rachel goes to the street where Megan lived but her ex husband Tom and his wife Anna think she is there to hurt them. She discovers this is much more to the mystery than just a missing girl.

If you enjoyed Gone Girl or The Cellar you would love this book. I give The Girl on The Train five out of five stars. It was a very good book. I loved seeing the point of view from different characters. I was constantly changing my mind who I thought the murderer was. I couldn't put it down.

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