McDonald's Restaurant Review | Teen Ink

McDonald's Restaurant Review

March 12, 2016
By CarolineNicole BRONZE, Holmdel, New Jersey
CarolineNicole BRONZE, Holmdel, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Stepping into the freezing cold restaurant, you can smell the fake meat sizzling on the grill. The crunchy brown golden nuggets are filled with mysterious secrets and diabetes. The fries roast in fatty oils and rusted metal crates. The cash register clicks and clacks reminding you of the wasted money on a soggy burger and over salted fries. Sounds like awesome food, right? The food you see in commercials on television exists in another world and is nowhere to be found at the Hazlet McDonalds restaurant.

One of the things that makes McDonalds such a poor restaurant is the quality of the food. If you think the food will taste just as good as the presentation, you’re wrong. Let me tell you about my experience at McDonalds. It was very concerning to take out my hamburger that was so greasy, it stuck to the paper it was wrapped in. I had to wipe all of the grease off with my napkin. As I pulled the packaged apples out of my happy meal box, I was very disappointed. They had no skin on them! That meant I wasn’t getting any vitamins or nutrients from the apples. Then there were the fries. I was very excited to eat them, but when I took my first bite, I practically spit it out. There was salt all over them, and it wasn’t a very pleasant taste. Lastly, I pulled out my drink. I was disappointed that I didn’t get the choice of water with my happy meal. My only options were juice and chocolate milk, which weren’t very healthy.  Overall, my experience with ordering the happy meal, didn’t make me very happy!      


Don’t even get me started with the sanitation! The restaurant looks nice and shiny on the outside, but once you step in . . . wow! Garbage is all over the tables and floors. There are crumpled up napkins and ketchup wrappers left everywhere. The staff are responsible for a clean environment if their customers do not clean up their own area. You don’t want to sit at a dirty table! No one does! It makes people uncomfortable, and like they can’t even touch the table. And, the bathrooms, . . .they’re gross! Toilet paper is on almost every square inch of the floor. This needs to be cleaned up, or it will cause harmful injuries if someone were to slip and fall.


McDonalds’s service is another key factor that makes the restaurant so poor. The staff that takes care of you and your food never have a big smile on their faces. These frowns or blank faces will make customers feel unwelcome. Also, the meal you order is given to you right away. This is very concerning because it might not be hot, and it might not be fresh. Do you want food that was cooked hours ago? I have also researched that McDonalds’ food doesn’t break down, so it looks completely the same after a long period of time. Who knows if this restaurant serves us old food. If so, the workers are going along with it, and they aren’t saying anything about it.

As you can see McDonalds isn’t the best restaurant to get delicious food. You will regret the decision of walking in to order. Between the bad service, bland and over salted food, and the dirtiness of this restaurant, I suggest that you spend your money elsewhere. How about just another restaurant? I’m sure the food will be healthier than this restaurant! Doesn’t that sound better?

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