Divergent | Teen Ink


August 14, 2014
By Ronald Jarvis BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Ronald Jarvis BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I read Divergent by Veronica Roth. The setting of this story is Chicago but not like the city we know today. There aren't many cars, the roads are cracked and crumbled and the buildings are mostly rundown.The genre of Divergent is science fiction, dystopia,and young adult literature.
There are two main characters. Beatrice "Tris" Prior and Tobias "Four" Eaton. Tris is a pretty girl, small with blonde hair and blue eyes. She belongs to the Abnegation faction where they are selfless and wear plain,gray clothes. Four is a Dauntless faction trainer. He used to be an Abnegation member but he chose the fearless protectors of Dauntless. Tris and Four are girlfriend and boyfriend.
Veronica Roth was only 22 years old when Divergent became a big hit and made the New York Times best sellers list. After only four days of submitting her manuscript Divergent she was given a writing contract. That's because Divergent is awesome. I think it is dark and exciting because it's hard core.
When you're16 you need to take an aptitude test to find out which faction is best for you then on choosing day you leave the nest or stay with your family. Choose wrong and you could end up faction less and homeless. It's forever and you can't go back.
Divergent is about Beatrice Prior and what happens to her after choosing day. She isn't like the other 16 year olds. She is Divergent and this is dangerous. Divergents are killed for being Divergent.

The author's comments:
Read it. I like this book because you have to be fearless like jump off a moving train onto a building. You need to face your fears or be a weakling.

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