Review of Dale Stepens "College is a Waste of time" | Teen Ink

Review of Dale Stepens "College is a Waste of time"

June 11, 2014
By Adrien Francis BRONZE, Fountain Valley, California
Adrien Francis BRONZE, Fountain Valley, California
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Every one of us is unique. We all have our own radical thoughts, feelings, ideals, and some individuals go above and beyond what thoughts are considered socially acceptable. Dale Stepens, 19, is one such individual. He believes that attending college or u never site is counterproductive, a waste of time, unnecessary for several reasons, and it has come to light that he and I she many of the same ideals.
In the second paragraph of his article, Stephens says, "[College] rewards conformity rather than independence." I have seen young people's freedom relinquished from them my entire life in exchange for the blathering of a nearly worthless book or repetitions of a teacher saying the same thing eight different times. Slowly, excruciatingly, painfully, horrifyingly, subtly, slowly our freedom is being stripped from us in the form of idiotic dress codes or performance requirements. I am completely and utterly shocked that the former even exists, flummoxed as to the reasons behind the latter, so in this sense, if not all, I fully and strongly support Stephen's view.
The result of lost freEdom is, by definition, the placement of life it's and restrictions. Should any of us, the students, fall up short from thr awful standards, we are punished with a lower, meaningless character fro our imaginary alphabet, a conference with our parents or guardians, and many things the schools should not be doing. Academic failure is not a sufficient reason for such discipline, rather an opportunity to learn, as Stephens states in the third paragraph. College is merely accepting and enforcing the use of punishment rather than help, tutoring, and encouragement should one not meet our fictional standards.
On a completely different note, college tuition has been an issue for years, perhaps even decades. A study by the College Board Policy Center has revealed that tuition today is 3.6 times higher compared to 30 years ago. This has led to an unfathomable amount of student loan debt (ranking higher than credit card debt in 2010), landing at over $1 trillion I 2011. Stephens' view is that not only is college a waste of time, it is a massive waste of our currency as well.
Finally, as Stephens has come to believe, both colleges and potential employers should take up the philosophy of "learning means doing". As the author states, "learning by the best way to turn iteration into true innovation". He believes students must be encouraged-not pressured or forced-to consider paths outside of college and University. His program, Uncollected, was created to support this ideal.
In conclusion, I, personally, fully agree with all of Dale Stepens statements and views on college. I believe firmly in freedom, in the lack of limits, that college may never provide,

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