Review of Million Dollar Quartet | Teen Ink

Review of Million Dollar Quartet

June 2, 2014
By Anonymous

Review of Million Dollar Quartet

The Million Dollar Quartet is Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis. In December of 1956 in Memphis, Tennessee, Rock and Roll history was made. It took place in a garage that was converted into a recording studio called Sun Records, owned by Sam Phillips. It was one night and one night only, that Carl Perkins scheduled a recording session when Elvis Presley, Dyanne (Elvis’s girlfriend) and Johnny Cash stopped by. Jerry Lee Lewis was a no body at the time; they referred to him as the piano player. At the time, Elvis Presley’s contract was sold to RCA and Sam Phillips was going to offer Johnny Cash a multi-year contract. All the other studios thought Rock and Roll was just a fad. Sam Phillips realized it was here to stay and that is why they are known as the Million Dollar Quartet.

Elvis Presley was just coming off his movie, Love Me Tender. His big hit was Blue Suede Shoes, which was originally Carl Perkin’s song but Sam Phillips gave Elvis that song which put Elvis and Sun Records on the Map. Carl Perkins never forgave Sam for giving Elvis his song. With the huge success from Blue Suede Shoes, Sam Phillips sold Elvis’s contract to RCA for $40,000 to save Sun Records. It made Elvis a star and it saved the company. Elvis wanted to come back to Sun Records because he felt that Sam Phillips had his best interest and understood him. He said RCA only wanted to make money off him, they didn’t care about him.

Johnny Cash had recorded a couple songs with Sun Records, his major hits were, I walk the Line, and Riders in The Sky. He wanted to record more inspirational songs and Sam Phillips wanted him to record other songs. They were at a conflict of interest. Johnny Cash had already signed with Columbia Records and was going over when his contract ended with Sun. Sam Phillips was going to have him sign a multi-year contract. Johnny Cash decided to move over but was afraid to tell Sam Phillips because of Sam making him a success. He wanted to take his music in a different direction.

Carl Perkins was just angry over not having enough success like Elvis. His hits were, Matchbox and Who Do You Love? He never got over Sam Phillips giving his song, Blue Suede Shoes, to Elvis. He was moving labels because he felt like Sam Phillips didn’t have his best interest at heart.
Jerry Lee Lewis was just starting out. He was a fantastic piano player with a lot of personality. He was the only one that wanted to sign on with Sun. He wanted Sam Phillips to make him a star, which eventually did happen. His hits were, Great Balls Of Fire, and Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On.

The Musical Million Dollar Quartet was a really good play. The acting and singing were outstanding. They all sounded original. It was interesting how they really were grateful for the belief Sam Phillips had in them and the vision of Rock and Roll he had. He was looking for a unique sound and was able to pull it out of all four of them. Sam Phillips created the Million Dollar Quartet. Even though they had fun jamming and talking about their future, this was a once and only time they would ever be together. You don’t really have to know who they are to enjoy and learn about the start of Rock and Roll.

Just imagine seeing Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis performing on the same stage together. That truly is a Million Dollar Quartet.

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