The Buzz on Buzzfeed | Teen Ink

The Buzz on Buzzfeed

June 1, 2014
By Anonymous

We live in a world where people are constantly browsing the Internet, often in hopes of finding relevant news, fascinating articles, and engaging pictures. The New York Times has news articles, You Tube has videos, and Pinterest has pictures, but all of these websites focus on only one category. Buzzfeed, however, is another story. Buzzfeed has everything you could hope for and more. People can look at widely-viewed videos, new events occurring in the world, humorous quizzes and comical articles, all from on one website.
Buzzfeed is such an attractive website because it is amusing yet informative so it appeals to people of all ages. Buzzfeed has been so successful because it provides easy access to everything that people are looking for while they browse the web; people can find lighthearted pleasure or reports of significant worldwide news.
Buzzfeed provides easy access to the material that people truly care about. It is almost a guarantee that everyone will find something they are intrigued by. Buzzfeed has a wide range of topics, anything from celebrities and food to politics and traveling. You will find videos, quizzes, lists, and even a scroll bar at the top with all of the hottest topics. You can learn about the uprising in Venezuela, look at 27 dogs that will make you smile, or take a quiz to know which celebrity you should go to prom with. And what makes it so great is that the material is constantly changing, so you can find hundreds of new and up-to-date articles.
The quizzes on Buzzfeed are one of my favorite things to do because they are not typical quizzes but rather things like, “Which character from Shakespeare are you?” or “What should you actually eat for lunch?” After answering a couple of questions, you are given a final answer to the question being asked along with a description. These examinations are a way to relax on the Internet and get a laugh out of some of the outrageous things that the quizzes say about you. Depending on what type of topic you click on these quizzes can be strange and purely for entertainment or actually relevant and helpful.
The factual articles on Buzzfeed are brief and easy to understand. The reader can grasp the significant details and fully comprehend the material with help from the convenient pictures. Because they are not overwhelmingly long, people actually read the whole article and understand the issue. All of the important facts and details are always covered in the articles, but they are not lengthy or overly complicated like news articles usually are.
Buzzfeed can feel a little overwhelming because there are so many different pictures and articles to click on, but that is part of the fun. You will never run out of things to look at on Buzzfeed because there is just so much coverage. You will find essential daily news regarding politics and business as well as pleasurable content to look through. I guarantee that once you go on Buzzfeed, you will have to force yourself to close the tab. You will find so much to do that you can spend hours on the website and only scratch the surface of all Buzzfeed has to offer.

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