Kanye West's Yeezus Tour | Teen Ink

Kanye West's Yeezus Tour

May 7, 2014
By claybabes BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
claybabes BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
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Kanye West’s concert, “Yeezus”, was unbelievable. On Tuesday, December 10, the concert nearly sold out the US Airways Center in Phoenix, Arizona. The excitement all started with his opening act, Kendrick Lamar. Kendrick’s performance was a concert of his own. He had the crowd going wild once his first song began. Kendrick played for about ten to fifteen songs mainly from his most recent album, “Good Kid M.A.A.D. City.” Kendrick Lamar was the perfect opener for Kanye West’s biggest tour.

For two and a half hours, Kanye West preformed numerous hits from his debut album, “The College Dropout” to his latest album, “Yeezus.” For the majority if the concert, Kanye wore a mask which he concealed his sweaty face. About halfway throughout the show, he removed the flashy, expensive looking mask. The crowd was insane! Kanye gave rants about how he is godlike and compared himself to Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, and out US troops. This speech made a lot of people angry, but at the same time psyched other people up. Along with his cocky rants, he also talked about how he wrote a song for his mother after she passed away. This song is called “Coldest Winter.” There were religious themes throughout the performance, such as the all-white dressed Jesus Christ, who appeared toward the end of the concert. In all, Kanye West’s “Yeezus” tour was one of a kind. It was by far the best concert I have been to and I will always remember that night.

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