Interview With Brigitte Padilla | Teen Ink

Interview With Brigitte Padilla

April 30, 2014
By Anonymous

Brigitte Padilla has recently taken the music world by storm by her great voice and songs

I was recently given the opportunity to interview Brigitte Padilla

Rachel- Tell us about yourself.

Brigitte Padilla- Well hello there! {laughs} My name is Brigitte and I'm 12 years old. I sing and I play the piano, I am pretty much always smiling and being silly. I'm really girly and a tomboy all at the same time! {laughs}

Rachel- How did you first become interested in the entertainment arts?

Brigitte- I had That Attraction from very small I remember that my sister and my daddy sang together, and I almost always sang too, I sang songs by RBD they were my favorite band {laughs} on 2014 I decided officially be a singer then, I liked to can rap and write my own songs, so I wrote 3 songs and From there I'm so happy {laughs}

Rachel- What is the best thing about being in singer like your sister?

Brigitte- the best is that we can say definitely the music runs in our veins, {laughs} its incredible because I rap, and she sings in spanish, its really really cool.

Rachel- What is the worst thing?

Brigitte- I can't really think of a worst thing honestly.

Rachel- brigitte, what's it like being the only member of the family who does many things?

Brigitte- It's interesting {laughs} but super fun! I love being the "Active Girl"

Rachel- Who are your biggest musical inspirations?

Brigitte- For me personally Paramore, Thirty Seconds To Mars, R5, Eminem, Lil Wayne, singers and bands like that

Rachel- Are you working on a new song?

Brigitte- Yes, everyday I get inspiration and I write a song, but sometimes there are days that I cant get concentrate about it {laughs}

Rachel- What has been your favorite song to write?

Brigitte- "I Won't Fall" was great I was thinking about how my sister was flighting about her career, and about the people who doesn't want to give us a chance

Rachel- What new projects are you working on?

Brigitte- just about my musical career! {laughs}

Rachel- What advice do you have for aspiring actors and singers?

Brigitte- If you absolutely love it more than anything in the world, don't give up. You gotta keep working hard because it's a lot tougher than it looks. Never give up. Hard work will always pay off!

Rachel- I noticed you laugh so much tell me why?

Brigitte- I don't know I think I ate too much chocolates {laughs}

Rachel- ok today we had too much laughs thanks Brigitte for your time

Brigitte- it's ok no problem I can't wait till another interview {laughs}

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