Green Beans | Teen Ink

Green Beans

April 8, 2014
By KatyaA GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
KatyaA GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the memoir "Green Beans" by "Grace", I felt empathy as she shared her story of depression. Although I had never been depressed, I have felt that way many time throughout my teenage years. There have been times when I have gotten "overwhelming waves of sadness" for no specific reason. As I read the author's experiences, I could relate but I was also surprised because of how different depression is from anything I've actually experienced. The figurative language in the piece, also led me to become engaged in her work. For instance, "Grace" personified her depression in the last sentence of the memoir writing "I let it sit on my plate among the green beans because it adds color and flavor". Overall, the memoir was extremely inspiring and helped me relate and not feel so alone.

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