sandra cisneros | Teen Ink

sandra cisneros

April 1, 2014
By Anonymous

Sandra Cisneros is a Mexican american female author.her books are known to be connected to the feminist movement.the feminist movement is the movement that is based on that women would be political, social, and economic equal to men and have safeguards against discrimination on the basis of the only surviving female of 7 children and because of the instability in her family her sibling went into group of two leaving her isolated one.Her feelings of exclusion only grew with her father pretty much think the only thing she is good for is to be a wife and refereeing to his kids an my 6 son and daughter instead of my seven children. Cisneros's childhood loneliness might be the instrumental in shaping her later passion for writing. in college is where she realized that how the particular social position she occupied gave her writing a unique potential.she states"It wasn't as if I didn't know who I was. I knew I was a Mexican woman. But, I didn't think it had anything to do with why I felt so much imbalance in my life, whereas it had everything to do with it! My race, my gender, and my class! And it didn't make sense until that moment, sitting in that seminar. That's when I decided I would write about something my classmates couldn't write about.realizing that instead of being something to be ashamed of it, her own cultural environment was a source of inspiration and started to write about the poverty of women in her becoming a famous author she should her father and everyone around her that she can do more then just be someones wife and can make a name for her self being a female Mexican, ciseros writing inspires other women to go and do what the dream because if she can do it against all odd then why cant any any one else.If people can’t get past some gender and race issue that we been fight over for most of history then how can we get through all the problem that we have know.

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