Perm issues | Teen Ink

Perm issues

April 1, 2014
By Briv1 BRONZE, New City, New York
Briv1 BRONZE, New City, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I could relate to the article “Breaking Up With the Perm” in a hundred million ways. As a fellow nappy head myself, I’ve come to know the pain and the pleasure you feel right before and after you get your perm. Getting a perm is really terrifying at times because of the awful burning and stinging like Jahne Brown said “the white cream played with matches in my hair.” This is pretty accurate on what it’s like. After the perm is put in, you feel amazing, sort of like you have “white girl hair.” Even though there is so much controversy about black women only getting perms to be more white, “to escape their blackness” said Brown, I feel it is more like someone having a different type of hairstyle than its about race. People like to dye their hair different colors, shorten and curl their hair because its more of a preference. They feel like they look more beautiful if they get a perm. I still see where she is coming from because these ideas have crossed my mind as well.

The author's comments:
This is a review on the piece "Breaking Up With the Perm". I wrote this review on it because it was very relatable to me; because I as well receive perms and suffer from similar incidents written in the piece. There was an obvious connection with the article,for me.

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