Veterinarian Chiropractors | Teen Ink

Veterinarian Chiropractors

March 9, 2014
By carakenney BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
carakenney BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Associations such as the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association, Options for Animals, American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association, American Animal Hospital Association, and the International Association of Veterinary Chiropractitioners as well as many other associations have deeply looked into the new ways to heal animal injuries without pet owners having to spend hundreds of dollars on useless medicines. The importance is to where animals can get the right treatment that they deserve for as low as thirty-five dollars and reduce injuries. This reduces the amount of animals being put down as well as owners who are struggling financially. The best part is, the animals love the chiropractors and enjoy the treatment they get! It is becoming more and more of a demand for society as a career that does not require that much of training and can save lives of thousands of animals.

Reading this article really opened my eyes to the things that these incredible associations are doing. As a pet owner, I would hate if anything happened to my sweet dogs and cats. So knowing that if a vet cannot do anything for me and I can go check with a veterinary chiropractor to see if they can do anything is extremely comfortable. I would definitely recommend a wider spread of this field, especially in veterinary offices and creating more offices for chiropractors so that if a pet owner has to put their animal down, they know they did everything in their capability to help their animal. I definitely will be checking more into this field and finding out where some of these chiropractioners would be around here.

The author's comments:
I think that taking care of our animals on a whole new level is fantastic! From having to put down animals that I could have saved with Chiropractic care, I definitely suggest looking into this field! It is extremely new but amazing!

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