Response to “The Adventures of Boudro” | Teen Ink

Response to “The Adventures of Boudro”

February 18, 2014
By GreeneMachine SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
GreeneMachine SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In “The Adventures of Boudro,” a math teacher, known as Boudro, finishes grading math quizzes. He heads home on his bicycle with his white helmet attached to his head. A sharp pencil nearly hits him as he heads into the grocery store. He turns around to find his clone, Boudro Clone. A martial arts fight follows. Boudro pins Boudro Clone and lets him up. Boudro Clone goes to attack again, but Boudro pulls out his trusty TI-89 calculator. Boudro Clone is amazed at the new calculator and goes with Boudro to get coffee. They then part ways.

This was an extremely entertaining article. The first time I read this, I pictured my Advanced Math teacher, Mrs. Kieffer. She is part Chinese, so she is on the receiving end of many jokes about Asians. She is the kind of teacher who doesn’t mind and even jokes back. I could picture Kieffer having a similar schedule as Boudro, but I understand that she has a family and was not trained in martial arts by monks.

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