Response to “All I Need Is a Friend” | Teen Ink

Response to “All I Need Is a Friend”

February 18, 2014
By GreeneMachine SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
GreeneMachine SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The boy in the poem “All I Need Is a Friend” is quite introverted. Books are his life; he is an avid reader. He so much time at the library that the librarian knows his middle name. He tries wearing designer clothes just to try to fit in with the other students at his school and to try to make friends. He realizes that he truly needs friends.

This truly hits home with me. I used to be extremely shy and hid in worlds filled with fantasy instead of working to become acquainted with people in real life. I had close friends in elementary school until I transferred to Ayersville. It took me quite awhile to find a group of friends I could trust. I became familiar with them in my sophomore year of high school. Many of them have the same interests as I, such as my love of books.

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