This Musical is Wicked! | Teen Ink

This Musical is Wicked!

February 18, 2014
By Madi King BRONZE, Wexford, Pennsylvania
Madi King BRONZE, Wexford, Pennsylvania
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Everyone knows the story of the Wizard of Oz. The story introduces you to a girl named Dorothy, as sweet and innocent as they come. She gets dragged into an unrealistically huge tornado that sweeps her and her little dog, Todo, away to the Wonder World of Oz. While there, she meets a scaredy cat, a brainless scarecrow, and a heartless tin man. Her new posse leads her to the great and powerful Oz, who's really just a little dude with a microphone. She becomes a hero when she demolishes the Wicked Witch of the West with her secret weapon; a bucket of tap water. Oz is finally at peace and they live happily ever after. You get the idea. What if I told you this story wasn't what actually happened? In the musical "Wicked", it tells you the real and untold story of Oz through hilarious and passionate song that will leave you speechless. With amazing lyrics and music by Stephen Schwartz and written by Winnie Holzman, this play has been popular since it came out in 1995, and it's popularity has only grown since.

It begins as the typical "once upon a time" setting. The Wicked Witch was just murdered with some aggressive H2O and the town is celebrating. But, Glinda, the leader of Oz, admits that her and Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West, were once best friends. (Burn.) The story takes us back to the time where Glinda and Elphaba first met at school. Now, Elphaba was born as a pretty normal girl, except for the fact that she was sorta green. All over. Glinda, on the other hand, was the typical popular girl; loud, peppy, ditzy, and of course, blonde. Glinda "invites" Elphaba to a party, which was planned to make Elphaba look dumb. Glinda has a change of heart and realizes Elphaba is just trying to fit in, and they become the best of friends. Along the way there are massive plot twists, U-turns, speed bumps, and chaotic traffic that leaves your head spinning. (Kinda like McKnight Road during rush hour.) In the end, it shows us Elphaba was never wicked, but just set up to be seen that way. The two best friends have to make a rash decision; Either Glinda gets caught trying to hide the so called "Wicked Witch", or Elphaba lets them capture her to protect her best friend. Spoiler alert: Elphaba takes it for her friend, and it teaches us the real meaning of friendship. It doesn't matter about who you are, ditzy or green, or where you came from, but the love that you have for each other.

I give this musical a perfect 10 out of 10. It keeps your attention the entire time with the loud music and plot twists, along with a tragic but hilarious story of two best friends that is perfect for everyone to see. For the girls, there may or may not be a romance in this wicked story too. What's a good story without a romance? For the guys, there's even some action and creepy looking monkeys that you'll find totally awesome. For other musical junkies out there, the way the story's told through song is like no other. For example, in the song "Popular", Glinda is trying to teach Elphaba how to be, well, popular. She attempts at something similar to the show Extreme Home Makeover, but with her face and personality. It failed, but will have you laughing to the point of tears. The most popular song, "Defying Gravity" will give you chills down your spine with their vocals and harmonies. Their voices are on point and you could see the characters personality in every word they sung. Overall, the characters created the story into something so real, you felt like you were in it, and had you falling in love with every character. Now, I don't want to give any more of the story away, so if you're dying to know what really happened in Oz, see the musical "Wicked"! It's a guarantee you'll leave the theatre wanting to see it again.

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