"Golf is More than a Sport" Review | Teen Ink

"Golf is More than a Sport" Review

February 17, 2014
By Nate Bassous SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Nate Bassous SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In “Golf is More than a Sport” by golfer86, the author explains how golf is indeed a sport. He states that certain people don’t believe golf is even a sport. However, he claims that it is not only a sport but also more than a sport. I agree with golfer86. I play golf myself. Golf requires fitness, practice, patience, and skill. Just like other sports, golf cannot be mastered by just anyone. A person must put in the time and effort to succeed in golf. Therefore, golf should most definitely be considered a sport.

The author also makes the claim that golf is more than a sport. I believe this statement is true as well. Golf is an experience like no other. Golf provides good exercise, a time to relax and unwind, and a fun time. Therefore, in more ways than one, golf is way more than just a sport.

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