Review | Teen Ink


February 12, 2014
By JordanH. BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
JordanH. BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Teen Ink Blizzard Bag articles:

Summary of Article: This summary is about a teen girl who was in high school and got bullied by males that were making sexist jokes. Basically she was sitting in class and these boys were making very mean and sexist jokes to her and around her. Another boy from the class tried to over power her and say they didn’t mean it and her words meant nothing to them. She continued to stand up for herself and eventually got her way in the situation. In this case she was bullied but she actually id something about it rather than stay low and not.

This article was actually not too bad of one. I think it showed a lot of strength and self-courage to stand up to bullies. I agree the way this girl reacted to the bullies. I think it’s a good thing she talked back and stand up for herself and I agree with what she did. In this article for once I can actually relate. An older kid just recently actually tried to spit on my shoes? I didn’t tolerate that one bit and got in his face, he then did not do anything and I hope he went home and cried for what I said to him. I understand what is happening and even if the kids didn’t mean anything they shouldn’t be making jokes that upset people. I am actually surprised becuae the girl stood up for herself instead of taking it. Usually all the other stories the kids just take the bullying. And yes I do see this dilemma in Ayersville. There is actually bullying everywhere, school, work, sports, and just anywhere.

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