In Responce to "Under The Sunset" | Teen Ink

In Responce to "Under The Sunset"

January 31, 2014
By amiller SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
amiller SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This article is about the relationship of Ally and James. James is a boy that is head over heels for a girl named Ally. During the article James is describing a hot summers day in detail. James talks about his clothing, the hammock that he is sitting in, his shoes, and the weather. Ally calls James out of the blue just to have a conversation with him. Throughout their short conversation you can tell just how passionate they are for each other. They share small talk and end with a simple “I love you”, and “I love you, too.”

My reaction to the article is that it was very cute. I felt like the two were very much in love and it was cute to read about how they feel about each other. I felt like it was nice to read a simple love article that shows the refreshing relationship of couples of these days.

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