My Fathers name is #3022 | Teen Ink

My Fathers name is #3022

December 19, 2013
By Anonymous

"My Father Name is #3022" by Jack S. was a truly heart warming story. Solls makes the reader feel what he felt through his journey and carefully ends his story with a cliffhanger when he says, "When I turn 18, I plan on tracking down #3022", leaving the reader with a sense of hope for him. The point that S. isn't afraid of showing his confusion and disjointed emotions in his work deserves respect because it takes courage to let random readers into the heart and mind. I cant't say I fully understand what S. went through but reading his article that was explicit with detail made it seem like I was in his shoes. Although, I can relate on some level since I have a single mom as well and I only see my father on special occasions which I seem to complain about but reading "My Fathers name is #3022" made me thankful. A well deserved big round of applause goes out to Jack S. and his amazing article. Thank Jack S. I encourage you to find your father and maybe write about it.

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