Los Borrachos(The Drinkers) | Teen Ink

Los Borrachos(The Drinkers)

December 19, 2013
By daniel123 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
daniel123 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I agree with the story about drunks. Women got tired of them. Women get also hurt of drunks. Maybe because there to drunk and don't know what there doing. Drunks are drinking and get so drunk they don't even know what's going on and they could be dangerous. Don Artenio would just become a cop to arrest drunks. I would do exactly what he thinks of doing cause with drunks running around the world,anyone can be In danger. Some drunks die and also kill probably die by an accident, and kill maybe random people cause they have no idea when there drunk. But once they know they killed they would regret it. Drunks should not get so drink enough to kill or die. It is bad for them and for maybe other people. Good story because its a good point that, probably the drunks wife can even be in danger her self.

The author's comments:
I would want people to tell or persuade people to stop drinking to much.

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