Response to "My Guilty Addiction" | Teen Ink

Response to "My Guilty Addiction"

November 14, 2013
By AnnaMcGuire BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
AnnaMcGuire BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the October Issue of Teen Ink, Brittany Butler, intrigued me in her article, “My Guilty Addiction.” This selection was the straight truth about bullying and bullies. Brittany was once a bully, and she realized that she was hurting others to support her ego and quit bullying. There are many bullies all around the world today, but none of them will be stopped until they, themselves realize why they are hurting others. Most bullies only hurt others because they have something badly affecting them constantly too. Whether it is family or work life, self-conscious, or anything else that may have a bad effect on their life. We need to understand them more than focus on the kids, which are being bullied. The bully can randomly select the kids that are bullied or be a kid they know, everyone else will bully as well. There is nothing wrong with the kids that are being bullied. It is the bullies that the world needs to get to know.

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