Response to "The Homecoming" | Teen Ink

Response to "The Homecoming"

November 14, 2013
By Robbie Steffen SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Robbie Steffen SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the November 2013 issue of Teen Ink, Matraca Lawrence surprised me in her article “The Homecoming.” I can relate to her article because I have a brother that has been in the Marines for two years now, and he is getting ready to be deployed. The day anybody comes home after being in a war or just coming home is a blessing. Like I said I can relate a little bit because my brother is in the service. It is very sad to see anybody leave for a long period of time. I have to keep my head high and know that everything will be alright. My mom and sister are always texting and calling him to see how he is doing. I, on the other hand, never really do. One day I might regret it, but I hope I don’t have to. When my brother comes home I don’t know how to act around him. I try to be my self, but he has ben through so much I don’t know what he will think of me. I will always hope for the best of him, and I thank him everyday for what he has done for this Country. Semper Fi!

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