"The 20/20 Experience" | Teen Ink

"The 20/20 Experience"

October 4, 2013
By Stephanie Fall BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Stephanie Fall BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I can agree with Anna's review of "The 20/20 Experience" because she shares the same opinions as I do. In the article, she gave a brief statement about how Justin Timberlake has grown up, which I agree with. He is still sticking to his roots, but has made his music sound more modern and mature. The songs are all very impressive. The review of this album is very accurate and would make me want to purchase this album. In the article, Anna wrote, "his soaring falsetto sounds beautiful and rich against both the lush violins and chugging hip pop beats," which I really agree with. Thank you Anna for your review of "The 20/20 Experience."

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