Wonderin' Why | Teen Ink

Wonderin' Why

June 23, 2013
By kaitlin001 BRONZE, Autryville, North Carolina
kaitlin001 BRONZE, Autryville, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
what comes around goes around

Verse 1:
Every once in a while
people break down
wonderin' why
life is now

wonderin' why, wonderin' why
wonderin' why it's so hard to understand
wonderin' why people don't give others a chance

Verse 2:
It's so hard to believe
that people can be so mean
when they haven't walked in others footsteps

Wonderin' why, wonderin' why
wonderin' why it's so hard to understand
wonderin' why people don't give others a chance

Verse 3:
They don't know what it feels like to be kicked when you're down
they don't know what it feels like t feel like no one's there when you need them most
so welcome to a persons life that's just sittin' round' wonderin' why

Wonderin' why, wonderin' why
wonderin' why it's so hard to understand
wonderin' why people don't give others a chance

The author's comments:
This is written about a friend of mines life but I can relate

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