Rodeo | Teen Ink


May 23, 2013
By Chuckkkkk BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
Chuckkkkk BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Courage is being scared of death..... and saddling up any way.

Rodeo has been around for hundreds of years, but the first organized rodeo was in 1936. There are many rodeo events in the world of rodeo. Thousands of people compete in this sport to this day. Two events that involve roping are Team roping and tie down roping.

Both team roping and calf roping were two of the original rodeo events in the sport of rodeo. There are a few differences between the two. Team roping involves 2 people and calf roping only requires on person. But the two are the most important events rodeo today.

Team roping uses a steer in the event, typically a corriente. There are tow people involved in team roping. The first person is a header, the objective of the header is to rope the front of the steer typically around the horns. There are three different ways you can rope the head. Around the horns, around the neck, or a half head. A half head is where you rope the steer around the one horn and the muzzle of the steer. The second person is the heeler. The objective of the heeler is to rope the back legs of the steer. If you only catch one leg of the steer 5 seconds is added to the time. Team roping is the only event where two people are needed.

Calf roping now known as tie down roping, this event involves a calf, one person, and one horse. The purpose of the event is to dismount form your horse, run down the rope and tie a calf. You flank the calf and tie it by tying the calves front leg to its two back legs.

Team roping was developed by ranchers when the needed to capture a large bovine animal that could not be capture by one person. It was soon turned in to a competition and thousands of people compete in this sport to this day. Team roping supplies, rope typically 30-35 feet long. Roping horse, a saddle equipped for team roping, and a bridle for the horse. Roping glove to protect your hand and bell boots for your horse to protect your horses hooves. Horn rap for the steer to protect steers head.

Calf roping was originated by people who needed to capture a calf for branding or medical treatment. Cowboys took pride in how fast they could rope and tie a calf. It soon turned into a contest. Calf roping is now a rodeo event. To this day calf is a big part of ranch life. Calf roping supplies, a soft rope usally 28-30 feet long. A pigging string to tie your calf. A saddle equipped for calf roping. A calf roping horse, a bridle , and raps for the horse to protect its legs.

The data in this piece compares the two rodeo events. It shows the ins and out of team roping and calf roping. It is pretty much a how to on both of the events. Team roping is usually the easier event to do. Team roping has more people competing in the even and is a much more simpler to do. Although there are two different ways to team rope, it is still easier than calf roping.

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