AllTimeLow Concert | Teen Ink

AllTimeLow Concert

May 5, 2013
By StayAwakeForTonight BRONZE, Pulaski, Wisconsin
StayAwakeForTonight BRONZE, Pulaski, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you're going through hell, keep going.

AllTimeLow is a band from Baltimore Maryland.They are the band every parent loves to hate,but contrary to popular belief AllTimeLow's stage presence does not interfere with their ability to make inspirational music. At first glance AllTimeLow's concert experience is one that cannot be missed. All though there might be many opinions on the band in general they in no way should sway the opinion of the common concert goer. Parents are not a fan of AllTimeLow's stage presence, but once the music starts and the chorus gets going parents are able to see past the so called "image" and are more into the music. Overall AllTimeLow is a band that is a must see, combining the way teens feel with music that is both serious and lighthearted, making for an overall exciting time.

The author's comments:
I recently went to see AllTimeLow and that was basically my inspiration.

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