This Bites! New Age Vamps Lack Old School Fear Factor | Teen Ink

This Bites! New Age Vamps Lack Old School Fear Factor

April 7, 2013
By MirandaCaddell SILVER, Sulphur Springs, Texas
MirandaCaddell SILVER, Sulphur Springs, Texas
6 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
An artist cannot fail; it is a success to be one.

What do you imagine when the word “vampire” pops into your mind?
Do you picture a scary, nocturnal creature that has fangs and is repelled by garlic and sunlight? Or do you imagine a 100 year old man, covered in glitter, that stalks underage girls?
In the last few years, the world of vampires has drastically and dreadfully changed.
The Bram Stoker version of the vampire (and most beloved) has hypnotic powers that can control people, loses his powers during daylight hours, and can shape-shift into a bat or a wolf. Dracula can be destroyed by having a stake driven through his heart or by being decapitated. He is repelled by garlic and holy symbols and sleeps in his coffin. Today’s vampires, the most popular being Twilight’s Edward Cullen, are the most wimpy and weak vampires known to humanity.
Instead of burning in the sunlight, their “perfectly flawless” skin sparkles. Their “abilities” consist of reading minds, being attractive, or being strong. Wow!
Specifically, Edward Cullen can not only read minds, but he can also run really fast! These vampires are so spectacular!
To conclude, today’s vampires are more like fairies than the original folklore. Don’t get me wrong, change is absolutely fine, and transforming the original creature can be cool and fun…as long as they stay within the lines.
Twilight has done it wrong.
Tack on ridiculous network television shows such as
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and films such as Blade, and the
damage is clear.

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